Are Millipedes Poisonous for Cats? Exploring the Risks and Precautions

Are Millipedes Poisonous for Cats?

Cats are curious creatures by nature. They often find themselves investigating the world around them, which can sometimes lead to unexpected encounters with insects and other critters. Millipedes are one such creature that might pique a cat’s interest. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the question, “Are millipedes poisonous for cats?” and provide you with valuable insights, precautions, and answers to frequently asked questions to ensure the safety of your feline friend.


Millipedes are fascinating arthropods known for their numerous legs, but they can also be a source of concern for cat owners. The question of whether millipedes are poisonous for cats is a valid one. In this article, we will address this query and equip you with the knowledge needed to protect your beloved pets.

The Curiosity of Cats

Cats have an innate curiosity that drives them to explore their surroundings. While this curiosity is endearing, it can also lead them into situations that pose potential risks. Millipedes are often found in damp areas, making them an attractive target for a curious cat’s attention.

Understanding Millipedes

Before we delve into the potential harm millipedes can cause to cats, let’s take a moment to understand these intriguing creatures.

What Are Millipedes?

Millipedes belong to the class Diplopoda and are arthropods known for their numerous legs. Contrary to their name, they do not have a thousand legs; most species have between 30 to 400 legs. These arthropods are typically slow-moving and are often found in decaying organic matter.

Are Millipedes Poisonous for Cats?

The pressing question at hand is whether millipedes are poisonous to cats. The answer is both yes and no, depending on the specific millipede species and your cat’s reaction to them.

Toxicity Levels Vary:

Millipedes produce toxins as a defense mechanism against predators. These toxins can vary in potency from one millipede species to another. Some millipedes release mild irritants, while others can secrete more harmful substances.

Individual Cat Reactions:

A cat’s reaction to millipede toxins can also vary widely. Some cats may have a mild response, such as drooling or mild gastrointestinal upset, while others may experience more severe symptoms.

Common Symptoms of Millipede Exposure in Cats

Recognizing the signs of millipede exposure in cats is crucial for prompt action. If you suspect that your cat has come into contact with a millipede, watch for the following symptoms:

  • Excessive Drooling: One of the most common signs is excessive drooling, often accompanied by pawing at the mouth.
  • Vomiting: Cats may vomit as their body attempts to expel the irritants.
  • Gastrointestinal Upset: Diarrhea and stomach discomfort can occur.
  • Lethargy: Your cat may appear lethargic and uninterested in usual activities.
  • Agitation: Restlessness and agitation may be observed.

What to Do If Your Cat Encounters a Millipede

If you suspect that your cat has come into contact with a millipede, here are the steps to take:

  1. Isolate Your Cat: Keep your cat away from the millipede to prevent further exposure.
  2. Wash Your Cat: Gently wash your cat’s mouth and face with lukewarm water to remove any residual toxins.
  3. Monitor Their Condition: Watch your cat closely for any adverse reactions. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your veterinarian immediately.
  4. Consult a Vet: If you notice severe symptoms, do not hesitate to seek professional veterinary care.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can all millipedes harm my cat?

A: Not all millipede species are equally harmful to cats. Some produce milder toxins, while others can be more dangerous. It’s essential to identify the specific millipede species if possible.

Q: Are millipedes fatal to cats?

A: In most cases, millipede exposure is not fatal to cats. However, severe reactions can occur, so it’s crucial to monitor your cat and seek veterinary care if needed.

Q: How can I prevent millipede encounters for my cat?

A: To prevent millipede encounters, keep your home and yard well-maintained, and minimize damp areas where millipedes thrive. Additionally, supervise your cat when outdoors.

Q: What is the treatment for millipede exposure in cats?

A: Treatment for millipede exposure typically involves supportive care, such as symptom management and fluids. Severe cases may require more intensive treatment.

Q: Are there any natural remedies for millipede exposure in cats?

A: While some suggest natural remedies like activated charcoal, it’s best to consult your veterinarian for guidance on the appropriate treatment for your cat.

Q: Can I use insecticides to keep millipedes away from my home?

A: Yes, insecticides can be used to deter millipedes, but ensure they are pet-safe and applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


In conclusion, millipedes can be a source of concern for cat owners, but not all species are equally harmful. While the question of whether millipedes are poisonous for cats may not have a straightforward answer, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential risks and take precautions to keep your feline friend safe. Remember to consult your veterinarian if you suspect millipede exposure and prioritize your cat’s well-being.

About Alex tycor 18 Articles
Alex tycor, is a seasoned insurance professional with over 5 years of experience in the pet insurance industry. Alex tycor has a deep understanding of the coverage options, pricing, and customer satisfaction of various pet insurance companies in the USA. Alex tycor is also an avid animal lover and has a passion for helping pets receive the care they need. With Alex's expertise and dedication, you can trust that you are getting the best advice and guidance for finding the right pet insurance policy for you and your pet.

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